Saturday, January 24, 2009


We delayed our trip to San Diego to give us time to go to the inauguration. It was worth it! Things were packed so tightly that I didn't get any great pictures. Here are some snapshots I took.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Inaugural Concert

I went into DC to catch the Inaugural Opening Ceremonies Concert. Now if asks me if I'm going to a Springsteen or U2 concert, I can say, "Nah, I saw them at the Lincoln Memorial." It was fun, but I have no idea how DC will handle even more people on Tuesday.

Inaugural Concert

Thursday, January 08, 2009

TPM Reader JG

Long-term Android's Dungeon readers may recall that in 2003, I was quoted on

Well, here it is in 2009, and I've been quoted again.

Apparently my fields of expertise are imprecise grammar and Puerto Rican politics.

Sunday, January 04, 2009

Help Me Identify This Language

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About a week ago, before we left for Arizona, I went out to waymark a nearby peace pole. When I got home, I was unable to do so, because the category requires a list of the languages on the pole, and I didn't have it.

Today I went back and took some pictures. When I got home, I was able to identify 11 out of the 12 languages on the pole, but one stumps me. If you look at the picture above, on the left, you'll see Arabic, Dutch and one I can't identify. (On the right is Gaelic, Russian and Animal Paw Prints.)

I am appealing to anyone reading this to help me figure out what language this is. It seems to borrow its alphabet from Greek and Hebrew -- possibly others.

Face in the Crowd

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Pictures from the conference I went to in Australia have just been posted by the conference organizers. I appear in the background of several similar pictures, for example here. I am clearly taking careful notes about the rump session talk, to the point of neglecting my beer.