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Chuck's Wagon BBQ,
6946 Laurel Bowie Rd,
Most Recent Foursquare Check-in: 9/14/2015
Total Foursquare Check-ins: 2
Pre-Foursquare Visits: No
Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
I wanted to like Chuck's Wagon more than I do. I like barbecue, I like local businesses, and goodness knows the area needs more barbecue.
But my reaction every time I've been here (I think I've forgotten a couple of times to check in on Foursquare) has been "meh". It's nice enough, but not exciting to taste like I expect from barbecue. I would attribute this to being "spoiled" from living in the South for four years, and enjoying barbecue on visits there since, but...I actually kind of like some of the chains, like Famous Dave's and Red, Hot & Blue.
So, two cheers (and three stars) for Chuck's Wagon, for introducing non-chain BBQ to Bowie. But I won't be hitting it up too often.