Driving to Work

I was driving to work up here this morning when I found out on NPR that the temperature was 3 degrees. That's Fahrenheit. The wind chill was 13 below. Brrr.
I was stopped at a light for a while because of police cars going by. I've noticed they have a system in Minnesota where emergency vehicles seem to be able to remotely activate a flashing white light near the stop lights (as well as turning the stop lights red). So I thought I'd take the above picture of frost out my windshield.
I noticed, however, the police cars converging on the parking lot across the street. I saw the police throw a man down on the ground, handcuff him and shove him in the back of a squad car. I don't have a zoom lens on the digital camera, so you can't see the guy, but I got a picture of the general scene. The building in the background on the left is adjacent to my hotel.

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